The Longworth Christmas Blog – #2 Rob Hughes 03 Dec 2019


Longworth Blog Advent 2019


Rob Hughes Longworth Christmas Blog hat


In the second of our Christmas Advent Blogs, our SHEQ Manager Melissa Fazackerley asks our Contracts Director Rob Hughes the following question –


How does safety in the workplace affect your personal life? Do you think there is a cross over between workplace safety and safety at home?


There is a common connection between home safety and work safety. The list of parallels between home hazards and workplace hazards is almost endless. Injuries caused by tripping and falling, hazardous substances, electric shock, falling and flying objects, back injuries, etc. You can remind employees that they should take the same precautions against these hazards at home as they do at work.  This includes reading labels, wearing PPE, and removing tripping hazards, however the vast majority of people will carry out D.I.Y. tasks at home without a second thought for these simple steps.

• More accidents happen at home than anywhere else
• Falls are the most common accidents, which can cause serious injury at any time of life. The risk increases with age
• Every year there are approximately 6,000 deaths as the result of a home accident. This is significantly higher than the 147 deaths reported within Construction in 2018.
• More than two million children under the age of 15 experience accidents in and around the home every year, for which they are taken to accident and emergency units
• Every year over 62 children under 14 die as a result of an accident in the home
• More accidents happen in the lounge/living room than anywhere else in the home.
These statistics are particularly relevant as we enter the winter season and especially around the Christmas period. As the weather turns colder and the dark nights are longer, we tend to spend more time indoors than we would at any other time of the year.


Deck The Halls

Looking forward to the Festive period, we all need to be aware of the hazards relevant to Christmas time. The latest statistics show that over 1000 people were estimated to have visited A&E in the UK after home accidents involving Christmas Trees and 350 people suffered accidents involving Christmas Lights. Candles sparked around 1000 UK house fires and people are 50% more likely to die in a house fire over Christmas than at any other time of year. You would never leave an open flame unattended in your work place, therefore the same principal of safety should be adopted in your own home. Whilst Christmas Lights, Christmas Tree decorations and Christmas cards were also a fire risk and were responsible for 47 house fires, leading to 20 non-fatal casualties.

Longworth Christmas Blog tree decoration

About 1,000 people a year are hurt when decorating their homes according to RoSPA. Children bite into glass baubles and adults fall while using unstable chairs instead of ladders. They fall out of lofts while looking for the decorations. Decorations can easily be mistaken as a toy by young children, therefore extra care and consideration should be taken to keep children safe from harming themselves.


Christmas Spirit

Alcohol reduces your risk awareness. As on many construction sites now there is a raised awareness of operatives attending site whilst under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. You would not think, or be allowed to carry out work activities in your place of works whilst suffering from the effects of drugs or alcohol. Therefore the same principal of safety should be adopted at home.

Longworth Christmas Blog Drinks

We are all becoming more aware of the sometimes-debilitating effects of poor mental health. Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year. The combination of drink, relatives, lack of sleep and the stress of Christmas shopping can be too much for some people. Try and have somewhere where people can take some time out and have a bit of peace. Take the children out for a walk so that elderly relatives can relax.

Have a wonderful Christmas period as it is a special and magical time. A little forward planning can ensure that it is a memorable time for all the right reasons. Make sure you have a good quality First Aid kit to hand and that you are equipped with the skills and knowledge to confidently help with a medical emergency.

Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas

What our clients say

"We’re really pleased with the proactive effort put in by Longworth to ensure the desired quality is achieved. The building is well received by everyone and regarded as a success."

Husnee Jamalluddin - Associate, Halsall Lloyd Partnership